Post-fire residual load bearing capacity of bar-reinforced concrete-filled circle steel tube column: Finite element analysis
投稿时间:2013-06-21  修订日期:2013-07-12
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张玉琢 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁 阜新123000 
刘海卿 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁 阜新123000 
吕学涛 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁 阜新123000 
张童 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁 阜新123000 
中文关键词:  钢管混凝土  配筋  火灾后  剩余承载力  数值分析
英文关键词:Concrete-filled steel tube  Bar-reinforced  Post-fire  Residual load bearing capacity  Finite element analysis
摘要点击次数: 734
全文下载次数: 777
      In this work, the post-fire residual load bearing capacity of bar-reinforced concrete-filled circle steel tube short column under axial pressure was studied. First, the temperature field model of bar-reinforced concrete-filled circle steel tube short column under heating part of the ISO-834 standard temperature curve was established by ABAQUS (finite element analysis). Then, the mechanical analysis model of bar-reinforced concrete-filled circle steel tube short column was established based on the temperature field model. The theoretical analysis results by the model of this paper were found to agree well with the previous test results. Based on that, the parametric analysis of post-fire residual load bearing capacity of bar-reinforced concrete-filled circle steel tube short column under axial pressure was studied. The optional parameters included heating up time, concrete strength, steel tube strength, steel bar strength, steel ratio, steel ratio of steel bar, sectional dimension and so on. The analysis results indicate that in the scope of the parameters used in this work, the post-fire residual load bearing capacity decreases with the increase of heating time and decrease of sectional width.