Study and analysis of safety egress time in the fire performance-based design of a large stadium
投稿时间:2013-01-29  修订日期:2013-02-21
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李玉臻 安徽省消防总队合肥 230000 
刘家豪 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥 230026 
李海航 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥 230026 
汪箭 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥 230026 
中文关键词:  消防性能化设计  安全水平  人员疏散  疏散宽度
英文关键词:Fire performance-based design  Safety level  Personnel evacuation  Evacuation width
摘要点击次数: 903
全文下载次数: 802
      《体育建筑设计规范》对体育馆安全疏散时间有明确的要求,对于二级耐火等级的体育馆控制疏散时间定为3 min~4 min。本文以此作为某大型体育馆消防性能化设计中安全疏散时间依据,运用人员疏散模拟软件分别对体育馆安全疏散时间进行的分析和比较,探讨了具体案例中如何确定和评估消防性能化设计的安全水平,即消防性能化设计安全水平不应低于处方式安全水平的设计理念。研究结果表明,现行设计宽度可满足疏散要求,充分保证人员的安全疏散。
      Safety egress time of a stadium has been specified in "Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings", which is set as 3~4 min for a stadium of secondary fire resistance rating. Based on that, the safety egress time in fire performance-based design for a certain large stadium is studied in this paper. Analysis and comparison for the safety egress time of the stadium are carried out by using an evacuation simulation software. How to identify and evaluate the fire safety level of performance-based design is discussed, which suggests that the safety level of a performance-based designed building should not be lower than that of prescriptive. The results show that the width of the current design can meet the evacuation requirements and fully guarantee the safety of personnel evacuation.