Influence of bearing fire mode and fire protection layer to fire resistance performance of beam-to-column welded connection joint
投稿时间:2014-01-02  修订日期:2014-02-20
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李利萍 辽宁工程技术大学力学与工程学院阜新123000 
王晓纯 北方工业大学机电工程学院北京100041 
潘一山 辽宁工程技术大学力学与工程学院阜新123000 
张宏涛 北方工业大学机电工程学院北京100041 
中文关键词:  受火方式  防火层  全焊节点  抗火性能
英文关键词:Bearing fire mode  Fire protection layer  Welded connection joint  Fire resistance performance
摘要点击次数: 605
全文下载次数: 900
      The beam-to-column joint is a very important component of steel framed structure which may be destroyed easily in fire hazards. Because of the better capacity of plastic deformation and earthquake-resistance, welded connection joint is extensively used in highly seismic regions. In this paper, the finite element method is adopted to simulate the fire resistance performance of welded connection joint to beam-to-column, and the mechanical behavior of welded connection joint under different bearing fire modes is studied. The temperature of welded connection joint is investigated for different bearing fire modes, and the influence of fire protection layer on the temperature of a welded connection joint is analyzed. The results indicate that the bearing fire mode has marked impact on the temperature of the welded connection joint. The temperature variation curves of welded joints are very close when the all the welded joints bear the fire entirely, with little temperature difference for different regions in the steel structure, for which the whole structure suffers high temperature. When two sides of beam-to-column bear a fire, the temperatures of bearing fire surfaces rise immediately, while that of joints far from bearing fire position rise slowly, causing significant temperature difference in different regions. It is found that the stress of a joint bearing fire entirely is obviously higher than that of a joint which does not bear the fire, and the temperature increase reduces the bearing capacity of the welded joint. When a fire protection layer is applied to a column inside and a beam underside, the temperature of fire protection layer region rises quickly, and the joint temperature in the fire protection layer is lower than that when there is no fire protection layer. It is concluded that use of a fire protection layer to the joints can decrease the temperature rise of the whole structure.