Fire resistance of bar-reinforced concrete-filled square hollow section columns being exposed to two-opposite-side fire
投稿时间:2013-11-21  修订日期:2013-12-29
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吕学涛 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁阜新123000 
张玉琢 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁阜新123000 
王禹 本溪市金鼎建筑设计研究院有限公司辽宁本溪117000 
王微微 辽宁工程技术大学建筑工程学院辽宁阜新123000 
中文关键词:  相对两面受火  方钢管钢筋混凝土柱  耐火极限  参数分析
英文关键词:Two-opposite-side fire  Bar-reinforced concrete-filled square hollow section  Fire resistance  Parametric analysis
摘要点击次数: 691
全文下载次数: 866
      Previous researches on the fire resistance of bar-reinforced concrete-filled SHS (Square Hollow Section) columns were almost for the cases of that all sides are exposed to fire. However in practice, it is possible that only two opposite sides of the columns are exposed to fire, for which a numerical program is developed to predict the fire resistance of such columns in this paper. Parametric analysis is conducted on the fire resistance of columns, for which the considered parameters include the load ratio, sectional width, slenderness ratio, loading eccentricity, steel and concrete strength, and the steel bar ratio. By simulation analysis the key parameters and their effects are revealed, and a simplified calculation formula for predicting the fire resistance is proposed. The analysis results indicate that the load ratio, sectional dimension and slenderness ratio are the main parameters that influence the fire resistance limit of concrete filled SHS columns, and the fire resistance limit increases with the increase of the sectional dimensions, or with the decrease of the load ratio and the slenderness ratio.