董清丽,蒋勇,邱榕.基于浓度敏感性分析和遗传算法的甲烷燃烧机理简化与优化[J].火灾科学,2014,23(1):41-49. |
基于浓度敏感性分析和遗传算法的甲烷燃烧机理简化与优化 |
Reduction and optimization of methane combustion mechanism based on PCAS and genetic algorithm |
投稿时间:2014-01-22 修订日期:2014-02-22 |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.2014.01.07 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51176181)、国家重点基础研究发展计划(2012CB719704)、高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20123402110047,20133402110010)资助项目 |
中文关键词: 甲烷 机理简化 浓度敏感性分析法 遗传算法 |
英文关键词:Methane Mechanism reduction PCAS Genetic algorithms |
摘要点击次数: 945 |
全文下载次数: 791 |
中文摘要: |
采用良搅拌反应器模型和层流预混火焰模型计算甲烷/空气燃烧过程,通过元素流通法和浓度敏感性分析法,对甲烷燃烧详细化学动力学机理GRIMECH 3.0进行简化。利用遗传算法,以甲烷/空气详细机理获得的组分浓度和一维层流火焰速度为目标,对简化机理进行优化。结果表明,相比于优化之前的简化机理,优化后的简化机理在描述甲烷/空气燃烧反应的组分浓度、层流火焰速度以及反应物和产物的时空分布方面,具有更高的精度。 |
英文摘要: |
In this paper, the simplified mechanism of methane combustion is obtained based on the detailed chemical mechanism GRIMECH 3.0, with element flux analysis and principal component analysis. Perfectly stirred reaction model and premixed laminar flame model were adopted. The species concentration and laminar flame velocity obtained by detailed reaction mechanism are used as the objective of genetic algorithm to optimize the simplified mechanism. The optimized simplified mechanism shows higher accuracy than un-optimized simplification reaction mechanism in predicting the species concentration, the laminar premixed flame speed and spatial distribution of the product and reactant. |
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