The safety evacuation of urban traffic link tunnels
投稿时间:2013-12-31  修订日期:2014-01-17
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朱杰 四川师范大学消防工程研究所成都610101 
代君雨 四川师范大学消防工程研究所成都610101 
徐钟铭 四川师范大学消防工程研究所成都610101 
吴建波 四川师范大学消防工程研究所成都610101 
中文关键词:  城市地下交通联系隧道  人员安全疏散  Building Exodus模拟  消防安全
英文关键词:Urban traffic link tunnels(UTLT)  Evacuation  Building Exodus simulate  Fire safety
摘要点击次数: 814
全文下载次数: 456
      城市地下交通联系隧道是一种新型城市地下公共交通系统,交通流量大、火灾危险性高、人员安全疏散相对困难,目前国内外尚无此类专业防火设计规范。以四川大源商业核心区地下交通联系隧道为研究对象,提出隧道主出入口、下沉庭院、防烟楼梯间及分车道、防火隔间相结合的人员安全疏散方式,出口共计61处;在此基础上运用Building Exodus数值模拟并予以对比分析,最终定量确定了火灾情况下人员安全疏散路径,进而为国内外相关工程的人员疏散设计及运营提供理论依据,并为UTLT相关防火规范的制定提供理论基础及建设性意见。
      Urban traffic link tunnels (UTLT) is a new urban underground public transportation system, for which the traffic is heavy, the fire risk is high and safe evacuation is very difficult. There is no fire protection and prevention for UTLT at home and abroad. This paper uses the Urban traffic link tunnels in Sichuan, China's Dayuan central business district (CBD) as the study subject. First, the main entrance of tunnel, sunken garden, smoke prevention staircase and fire compartment are suggested as the evacuation exits, and there are 61 exits in total. Second, a comparative analysis is conducted by Building Exodus simulation. The results can offer reference for relevant projects at home and abroad, and serves as both a theoretical and a constructive basis for formulating regulations related to Urban traffic link tunnels.