Numerical reconstruction of heated trace of gypsum plasterboard
投稿时间:2014-03-18  修订日期:2014-04-15
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徐晓楠 中国人民武装警察部队学院河北 廊坊065000 
施照成 中国人民武装警察部队学院河北 廊坊065000 
中文关键词:  纸面石膏板  数值重构  受热痕迹  FDS  火灾调查
英文关键词:Gypsum plasterboard  Numerical reconstruction  Heated trace  FDS  Fire investigation
摘要点击次数: 689
全文下载次数: 462
      利用锥形量热仪实验测定了纸面石膏板暴露在不同辐射热通量、不同暴露时间下的烧损程度,基于火灾烈度理论对实验数据进行拟合,建立石膏板受热痕迹的半经验模型。通过修改FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulator)的源代码,将模型嵌入到软件中,与自身功能相结合,实现重现石膏板受热痕迹的功能。同时进行了石膏板受热痕迹的实体实验,研究了不同油盘面积、受热时间和相对位置对石膏板受热痕迹形成过程和结果的影响。利用增加了新功能的FDS软件对实体实验进行了数值重构,对比实验和模拟的结果,证明了该模型可用于石膏板受热痕迹的重现。该技术完善了火灾的数值重构技术,作为火灾调查的一种新兴的技术手段,对于完善事故调查的证据链,辅助火灾调查工作具有重要意义。
      The degrees of burn under different radiant heat fluxes and exposure time were measured by using thermogravimetric analysis and the cone experiments. Based on the theory of fire severity, the experimental data was fitted in mathematic model in order to establish a semi-empirical model for heated trace of gypsum plasterboard. The model was embedded in the software by modifying the source code of fire dynamics simulator (FDS) and was combined with the software functions to reproduce the heated trace of gypsum plasterboard. Meanwhile the physical experiment of gypsum plasterboard heated trace was conducted to examine the influence of heating time, fire size, relative position of fire source and gypsum plasterboard on the forming process and the final gypsum plasterboard heated trace. The physical experiment was reconstructed using the software with the new function. The effectiveness of the embedded model was demonstrated by comparing the experiment and simulated results. The model can be used to reproduce the gypsum plasterboard heated trace, and so the technology can be used in the numerical fire reconstruction, in order to supplement the evidence chain and assist fire investigation.