Research on steel structure 16Mn by heating tests under constant loads
投稿时间:2013-12-27  修订日期:2014-04-28
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褚新颖 天津市红桥区消防支队天津300131 
谢飞 天津市公安消防总队防火部天津300090 
中文关键词:  16Mn钢  恒载加温  应变-温度-应力材料模型
英文关键词:16Mn steel  Heating under constant load  Strain-temperature-stress material model
摘要点击次数: 454
全文下载次数: 401
      In this paper, by WAW-1000 computer control testing machine, heating device and specially designed deformation measuring appliance, experiments have been carried out to investigate the mechanical behavior of steel structure 16Mn from China’s four major steelworks at elevated temperatures by heating tests under constant loads. In all 182 tests were conducted by stress levels from 0.25 to 0.85 with a step of 0.05, and by temperatures from 200℃ to 600℃. Based on the experiments results, a stress-strain-temperature relationship model and a critical temperature model have been developed. The critical temperature obtained by the known yield strain can be used to calculate the thickness of covering layer. In steel structure fire-resisting design and evaluation, the calculation of the temperature stress and deformation of steel structure depends on the stress-strain-temperature material model, which can be applied in performance-based fire resisting design and steel structure evaluation.