Storm cell identification algorithm to identify forest fires
投稿时间:2014-02-21  修订日期:2014-07-11
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基金项目:四川省环境保护重大科技专项(2013HBZX01); 高原气象观测与应用创新团队(2013328); 浙江省气象局科研项目(2013ZD04-6)
罗辉 成都信息工程学院大气科学学院和高原大气与环境四川省重点实验室成都 610225 
张杰 成都军区空军气象中心成都 610041 
朱克云 成都信息工程学院大气科学学院和高原大气与环境四川省重点实验室成都 610225 
张曙光 成都信息工程学院大气科学学院和高原大气与环境四川省重点实验室成都 610225 
黄克慧 浙江省温州气象雷达站, 温州 325027 
中文关键词:  火灾识别  风暴识别  森林火灾  多普勒天气雷达
英文关键词:Fire identification  Storm identification  Forest fires  Doppler weather radar
摘要点击次数: 529
全文下载次数: 623
      This paper studies the recognition of forest fires on the basis of storm cell identification and tracking algorithm. First, a two-dimensional component is obtained based on the storm cell identification algorithm with parametric thresholds adjustment, which is combined with the differences between cloud and fire echo to identify forest fires. The algorithm is used in the identification of three forest fires which happened in Wenzhou. The result shows that the algorithm is able to effectively identify the processes of the fires. Because the echo is weak, and the structure is loose or mixed with other weak echoes, the forest fires cannot be well identified, leading to failure of identification at the beginning and end of the fire. When there is a small range of ground clutter echoes, due to their sizes are similar to small scale fire, the final result would be misrecognition. At the time of the fire, the algorithm can help identify the fire location, providing firefighters with timely and reliable information of fire site and time, and help them put out the fire in time.