The fracture behavior of hollow glass under heating condition
投稿时间:2014-10-16  修订日期:2014-11-21
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苏燕飞 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
王青松 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
赵寒 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
邵光正 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
王禹 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
孙金华 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
中文关键词:  中空玻璃  热荷载  热响应  破裂  遮蔽方式
英文关键词:Hollow glass  Thermal load  Thermal response  Fracture  Shadowing mode
摘要点击次数: 1170
全文下载次数: 719
      研究了单层玻璃厚度为6 mm,两块玻璃间距为6 mm的中空玻璃的受热响应规律,分析了向火面和背火面玻璃板的表面温度、玻璃板向火面中心点处的热通量、两块玻璃的破裂时间、裂纹形态以及玻璃脱落情况等。定义玻璃边长区域范围为[?0.5L, 0.5L],则玻璃首次起裂点均位于被遮蔽边上,且在[?0.25L, 0.25L]的范围内。进一步研究了遮蔽方式对中空玻璃破裂行为的影响,在本实验条件下,四边遮蔽的向火面玻璃最易破裂,且左右垂直遮蔽比上下水平遮蔽情况下脱落程度严重。
      The thermal response and fracture behavior of hollow glass, which consists of two pieces of 6 mm thickness glass plate and 6 mm air spacing, were studied in this work. The surface temperatures of the exposed and back side of the hollow glass, heat flux at the center of the exposed side, the breaking time of two panes, the glass crack morphology and the fall-out proportion were measured and analyzed. The edge length of glass was defined as the scope of [?0.5L, 0.5L], then the first crack position of the two pieces of glass initiated in the range of [?0.25L, 0.25L] at the edge of the glass. Moreover, the glass pane exposed to fire with four edges covered is the easiest mode to crack, and the fall-out proportion with vertical shaded is greater than that of horizontal shaded one under these experimental conditions.