Numerical simulation of multilayer cable ignition under radiant heat flux
投稿时间:2015-09-24  修订日期:2015-11-06
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付强 武汉市消防支队武汉430000 
中文关键词:  电缆  着火时间  数值模拟  CFD
英文关键词:Cable  Ignition time  Numerical simulation  CFD
摘要点击次数: 179
全文下载次数: 332
      The surface temperature of cable under the cone calorimeter test has been simulated with CFD package. The predicted ignition time is acceptable comparing to the results of cone calorimeter experiments of the same cable. The influence of the thickness of coating layer, insulation layer and the diameter of conductor have been studied based the CFD model. The results indicate that the coating layer is the major influence factor while the diameter of conductor has minor effect. It is found that once the aggregate thickness of the coating layer and insulation layer is beyond certain values, the ignition time of the cable remains unchanged. In addition, since cable is made of several materials with different thermal properties, it cannot be simply classified as thermally-thick or thermally-thin material. However, the cables examined in this paper show similar the ignition times with thermally-thick materials or thermally-thin materials respectively under different radiant heat fluxes.