Numerical analysis on mechanical properties of containment in the nuclear power plant under hydrogen deflagration
投稿时间:2015-08-02  修订日期:2015-12-31
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陈长坤 中南大学防灾科学与安全技术研究所,长沙, 410075建筑消防工程技术公安部重点实验室天津300381 
陈杰 中南大学防灾科学与安全技术研究所,长沙, 410075 
王玮玉 中南大学防灾科学与安全技术研究所,长沙, 410075 
刘暄亚 建筑消防工程技术公安部重点实验室天津300381 
中文关键词:  氢气爆燃;安全壳;数值模拟;力学响应  核电站;
英文关键词:Hydrogen deflagration  Containment  Numerical analysis  Mechanical properties  Nuclear power plant
摘要点击次数: 329
全文下载次数: 331
      During severe accidents in the nuclear power plant (NPP), the pressure load produced by hydrogen deflagration would hazard the integrity of containment and make it become invalid, which could result in a radioactive release. A finite element model has been established by ANSYS/Fluent. The process of hydrogen deflagration and mechanical properties of the containment have been investigated by numerical method. The overpressure value, pressure boost rate, deformation, and stress distribution of the containment under hydrogen deflagration are obtained. The results indicate that the pressure rise is caused by deflagration wave, the maximum pressure appears in the flame wave, the pressure of the deflagration area rises rapidly and then declines quickly; the concrete in the connected region between the shell and the cylinder is the most vulnerable to damage, and this area has the maximum displacement and the maximum compressive stress under hydrogen deflagration. The results obtained could provide theoretical reference for antiknock design and security research of the containment.