Attribute recognition of damage degree of fire-damaged concrete structure
投稿时间:2015-12-17  修订日期:2016-01-21
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文畅平 中南林业科技大学土木工程与力学学院长沙410004 
中文关键词:  火灾后混凝土  损伤程度分级  属性测度函数  属性识别
英文关键词:Fire-damaged concrete  Classification of damage degree  Attribute measure  Attribute recognition
摘要点击次数: 171
全文下载次数: 329
      The attribute recognition model based on attribute mathematical theory is proposed to classify the quality of fire-damaged concrete. According to the analysis of main causes of fire-damaged concrete quality classification, four parameters including strength damage coefficient, anti-penetrability damage coefficient, spalling damage coefficient, and crack damage coefficient are chosen as the criterion indices for evaluation of concrete strength after exposed to fire. Attribute measure functions are constructed to compute attribute measure of single index and synthetic attribute measure. The quality classification of fire-damaged concrete samples is recognized by the confidence criterion, and then attribute recognition model is developed for comprehensive assessment of the classification of fire-damaged concrete strength. Two actual example studies indicate that synthetic assessment results obtained by attribute measure analysis agree well with that obtained by fuzzy evaluation method and the extension method respectively. As attribute mathematical theory can successfully resolve certain issues with a number of fuzzy attributes in comprehensive evaluation, and its confidence criterion is established on the basis of the ordered evaluation sets, it will enable the evaluation results be more reliable.