Experimental research of smoke flow and natural smoke exhaust features of Z-shaped atrium
投稿时间:2016-01-28  修订日期:2016-05-10
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黄斌 海南省海口市公安消防支队海口570200 
舒雅 四川法斯特消防安全性能评估有限公司成都610000 
姚斌 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
中文关键词:  “Z型”中庭  自然排烟  全尺寸火灾实验  烟气流动特性  消防安全
英文关键词:"Z" shaped atrium  Natural smoke exhaust  Full-scale fire experiment  Smoke flow characteristics  Fire safety
摘要点击次数: 361
全文下载次数: 520
      “Z型”中庭自然排烟设计已在部分高层建筑中实际运用。然而,现有规范对此类设计方法无具体指导性消防安全要求,同时缺乏相关研究。通过在海南某高层建筑中开展全尺寸火灾实验,选取中庭和办公室不同火灾区域和规模,在不同外界风向和风速下,通过监测有毒气体浓度、烟气温度和能见度以及烟气层厚度等参数,研究超过12 m的“Z型”高大中庭烟气流动特性及自然排烟效果,并分析其对中庭和人员安全性的影响。研究结果表明:该建筑采用“Z型”中庭能够有效排出烟气,自然排烟设计合理。所得结论可为消防部门审核该项目提供参考,也为类似高大中庭自然排烟设计提供科学依据。
      The design of natural smoke exhaust system for the "Z" shaped atrium has already been used in some high-rise buildings. However, the existing standard of the design method for such atriums has no specific guidance on fire safety requirements, and lacks of related research. This paper reported a full-scale fire experiment in a high-rise building in Hainan for different fire areas and scales in atrium and offices. For over 12 meters "Z" shaped tall atrium, we studied the smoke flow characteristics and the effect of natural smoke exhaust with different external wind directions and wind speeds. Then we analyzed the influence of the smoke flow and the natural smoke exhaust on the atrium and personnel safety, by monitoring the concentration of toxic gas, flue gas temperature, visibility and flue gas thickness and so on. The results showed that the building which adopts the "Z" shaped atrium can effectively discharge flue gas, and the natural smoke exhaust design is reasonable. The conclusion provides reference for fire departments to review the projects and also provides a scientific basis for design of natural smoke exhaust in similar types of tall atriums.