Experimental study on temperature distribution of reinforced concrete columns
投稿时间:2016-12-23  修订日期:2017-04-05
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项凯 公安部天津消防研究所天津300381 
潘雁翀 公安部天津消防研究所天津300381 
王国辉 公安部天津消防研究所天津300381 
中文关键词:    钢筋混凝土  截面尺寸  温度场
英文关键词:Column  Reinforced concrete  Cross-section scale  Temperature distribution
摘要点击次数: 341
全文下载次数: 271
      研究钢筋混凝土柱在升温、降温加热曲线作用下的截面温度场分布。完成了1根边长700 mm方形钢筋混凝土柱的四面受火温度场试验,加热曲线升温段为ISO-834标准升温曲线,降温段为随炉冷却降温曲线。试验过程中测得了柱截面内不同位置的温度变化。建立有限元模型对试验结果进行了模拟分析。结果表明:方形柱截面内不同位置的升温速率、降温速率受其距受火面距离影响较大;截面内距离受火面越远的位置,升温滞后现象越明显;在ISO-834标准升温和随炉降温加热曲线作用下,当方形柱的截面边长大于等于700 mm时,柱截面内的温度分布可反映大截面尺寸钢筋混凝土柱在火灾升、降温阶段的温度分布变化。
      This paper intends to study the temperature distribution of reinforced concrete (RC) columns under heating and cooling phase fire curves. One square section RC column with 700 mm side length is constructed for four-side surfaces exposed to fire. The heating phase of fire curve is ISO-834 standard fire curve and the cooling phase is furnace cooling curve. During the experiments, the temperature distribution of cross-section of square section RC column is measured. Finite element (FE) models are developed and used to analyze the test results of experiments. The results show that the distance from the heated surface has significant effect on the performance of the heating and cooling rates for the cross-section of square section RC column. The heating duration time of cross-section concrete reaching the maximum temperature delays with the distance from the heated surface. Under ISO-834 standard heating and furnace cooling fire curves, when the cross-section side length of the square section column is greater than or equal to 700 mm, the temperature distribution in the cross-section of square section column can reflect the variation of temperature distribution of reinforced concrete column with large cross-section scale under heating and cooling phases.