Numerical simulation of motorcycle fire in stairwell
投稿时间:2017-05-28  修订日期:2017-07-31
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陈胜朋 中山大学工学院广东省消防科学技术重点实验室广州510006 
梁栋 中山大学工学院广东省消防科学技术重点实验室广州510006 
莫善军 中山大学工学院广东省消防科学技术重点实验室广州510006 
中文关键词:  电动车火灾  数值模拟  FDS
英文关键词:Motorcycle fire  Numerical simulation  FDS
摘要点击次数: 234
全文下载次数: 452
      Motorcycle fire in a stairwell is a typical phenomenon that is controlled by the stack effect. The combustion of a motorcycle fire is transient and hazardous with production of a mass of toxic gases. Combined with the results of full-scale experiments, numerical simulation is conducted by using FDS to investigate the combustion of motorcycle fire in a stairwell. It is indicated that the simulation and experimental results have good agreement. For the simulation cases, the average temperature of stairwell is approximate 370 ℃, while the maximum temperature is over 1000 ℃. The gases of stairwell are hazardous. With the increase of vertical height in the stairwell, the dimensionless temperature above flame entrainment decreases gradually. The temperature near the wall in the same area is higher. Under the influence of spray, the CO concentration increases slightly in the fire extinguishing phase.