Safety similarity analysis method and its application
投稿时间:2017-06-13  修订日期:2017-11-17
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田小慧 中南大学资源与安全工程学院长沙410083 
吴超 中南大学资源与安全工程学院长沙410083 
中文关键词:  相似安全系统学  系统安全  相似性分析  相似度计算
英文关键词:Similarity safety systematics  System safety  Similarity analysis  Similarity calculation
摘要点击次数: 219
全文下载次数: 439
      Safety similarity analysis method for systems can explore the accident-causing factors and address safety issues by logistics and mathematical methods. This paper evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of similarity comparative analysis, safety comparison, fuzzy similarity measurement, and system similarity analysis. The fuzzy sets method is used to improve the safety similarity analysis method. The improved safety similarity analysis method overcomes the defects of fuzzy factors that are impossible to measure and is applied to fuzzy systems. A mathematic model and the analysis canonical form are built to quantify the similarity extent of accidents. Finally, gas explosion accidents are used to examine the improved method. The results show that the main causes of accident escalation are cross-border mining, working in confined spaces, invalid emergency rescue and putting workers at risk. The similarity of material flow, energy flow and information flow is close to 1. However, the potential impact of the flow on causing accidents has been ignored, which is the key direction to avoid gas explosion in coal mines. The raised method is feasible and practical to achieve quantitative similarity measurement of accident-causing factors.