Numerical simulation study on the impact of patio dimension upon natural smoke exhaust in super high-rise residential buildings
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张露 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室, 合肥,230026 
姚斌 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室, 合肥,230026 
中文关键词:  超高层住宅楼  内天井  到达危险时间  自然排烟  数值模拟
英文关键词:Super-high-rise residential buildings  Patio  Hazard occurrence time  Natural exhaust  Numerical simulation
摘要点击次数: 131
全文下载次数: 896
      火灾时超高层住宅楼的内天井会形成“烟囱效应”, 烟气可能通过面向内天井的开启窗户进入四周住宅. 利用FDS数值模拟的方法研究火源位置、 火源功率和内天井的高度、 长度对超高层住宅楼内天井自然排烟的影响。研究结果表明: 火源位于内天井四周某住宅时, 若住宅内喷淋系统有效, 内天井四周其它住宅不会达到危险状态。火源位于内天井底部时, 4.0 MW 的火灾可能会使内天井四周其它住宅受到火灾烟气影响, 达到危险状态, 此时内天井四周其它住宅到达危险时间与内天井高度满足二次增长函数, 到达危险时间随高度的增加趋于稳定. 内天井长度d存在临界值,d≤10 m时到达危险时间与内天井长度满足二次增长函数;d>10 m时到达危险时间接近稳定值。
      A patio fire in a super-high-rise residential building may form a chimney effect, and the smoke may enter the houses around the patio through the windows of the residential building facing the patio. In this paper, FDS numerical simulation software is used to study the influence of fire location and fire power, patio height and length on natural smoke exhaust of super high-rise residential building patio. The results show that when a fire is located in a house around the patio, if the sprinkler system inside the house is effective, other houses around the patio will not be in danger. For a 4.0 MW fire located at the bottom of the patio, the other houses around the patio will be affected by the fire smoke and reach a dangerous condition. In this case, the hazard occurrence time and the patio height satisfy the quadratic growth function, and the hazard occurrence time tends to stabilize?as the height increases. The patio length has a critical value, below which the hazard occurrence time and the patio length satisfies the quadratic growth function, while above which the hazard occurrence time approaches a stable value.