雷晴晴,谢启源.核电站浸渍活性炭阴燃蔓延特性的实验研究[J].火灾科学,2019,28(2):85-93. |
核电站浸渍活性炭阴燃蔓延特性的实验研究 |
An experimental study for smoldering spread characteristics of impregnated activated carbon in nuclear plants |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.2019.02.03 |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC0805901); 国家自然科学基金(51476157) |
中文关键词: 浸渍活性炭 阴燃蔓延 核电站 碘吸附器 |
英文关键词:Impregnated activated carbon Smoldering spread Nuclear plant Iodine absorber |
摘要点击次数: 195 |
全文下载次数: 159 |
中文摘要: |
碘吸附器内的核级浸渍活性炭是核电站主要火灾荷载之一, 首先通过热重实验与分析, 确定了核级浸渍活性炭阴燃前锋温度为350 ℃, 获得了活化能为48.6 kJ/mol。 继而基于自主设计的圆柱型活性炭填充床阴燃模拟实验台, 在无强迫气流条件下, 针对上表面中心引燃条件下的核级浸渍活性炭横向与纵向阴燃蔓延特性进行了实验研究。 填充床径向截面温度场重构结果表明, 核级浸渍活性炭在高温点热源作用下, 易形成快速发展的阴燃蔓延燃烧过程。 其中, 横向蔓延燃烧速度达3.6 mm/min, 明显快于纵向蔓延速度的0.5 mm/min。 此外, 内部温度场动态演化过程表明, 浸渍活性炭向下蔓延燃烧过程中, 将在其中部区域形成不断扩大的高温燃烧区, 局部温度高于700 ℃, 而此时其上表面温度却相对降低, 易掩盖内部的危险区域。 |
英文摘要: |
The impregnated activated carbon in iodine absorber is one of the main fire loads in nuclear plants. The typical temperature of the smoldering front for it is suggested to be 350 ℃ by the TGA analyses. The activated energy of the impregnated activated carbon is determined as 48.6 kJ/mol. Based on the specific cylindrical bed for smoldering mechanism analyses of activated carbon, the horizontal and vertical smoldering spread behaviors of the impregnated activated carbon are studied without forced flow. The sample here is ignited with a hot spot on its central top. The measured time-dependent temperature fields in the smoldering activated carbon indicate that the impregnated activated carbon is easy to be ignited by a small hot spot and results in a strong smoldering. In addition, the horizontal smoldering spread velocity is about 3.6 mm/min while the vertical one is only 0.5 mm/min. Finally, the inner temperature fields also suggest that there might be a strong reaction zone inside the pile of the sample after the early stage. It would be larger and larger as the development of the inner burning with the maximum temperature higher than 700 ℃. However, the temperature on the burned-out surface is relatively much lower at that time, which might cover the inside strong burning. |
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