Identification and gas sensor testing of volatile signature gas for early detection of PVC cable fires
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谌文佳 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
易建新 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
中文关键词:  PVC电缆绝缘  特征气体  气体传感器  早期电缆火灾探测
英文关键词:PVC insulation  Signature gas  Gas sensors  Early electrical fire detection
摘要点击次数: 361
全文下载次数: 3943
      利用气体传感器对电缆绝缘过热释放的气体进行监测有望实现电气火灾早期预警, 目前该技术的发展由于特征气体未得到确认而受到限制。 分析了聚氯乙烯(PVC)电缆绝缘层在不同温度下释放的气体组成, 并对其主要成分进行传感器测试。 TG-IR和GC-MS分析表明PVC电缆绝缘层在200 ℃前已出现微小失重, 释放出以邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)等塑化剂为主的气体。 气敏测试中, 商用半导体气体传感器对DOP和电缆蒸气产生较好、相似的响应性能。 因此,DOP可以作为PVC电缆火灾早期的特征气体。
      It is potential to monitor signature gas released from overheated PVC cables by gas sensors for early detection of electrical fires. However, the uncertain signature gas currently limits the development of this technique .This work analyzed the compositions of the vapors from PVC insulation at different temperatures, and conducted gas sensing tests for the main component. Results of TG-FTIR and GC-MS found that PVC insulation had a slight mass loss below 200 °C, releasing mixed gas vapors with majority of plasticizer like DOP. Gas sensing tests revealed that commercial gas sensors had obvious and similar responses to both of DOP and cable vapors. Therefore, DOP could be considered as the signature gas for early detection of PVC cable fires.