Numerical study on lithium dendrite-induced internal short circuit of lithium ion battery
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基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0100306); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51674228)
崔志仙 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
王青松 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
孙金华 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
中文关键词:  锂离子电池安全  内短路  锂枝晶  电化学-热耦合模型
英文关键词:Lithium ion battery safety  Internal short circuit  Lithium dendrite  Electrochemical-thermal coupled model
摘要点击次数: 293
全文下载次数: 3231
      锂离子电池内短路是导致其热失控的主要原因之一, 机械撞击、集流体边缘毛刺和锂枝晶生长等都可刺穿隔膜导致电池内短路。 采用有限元数值模拟方法, 对锂枝晶引起的锂离子电池内短路进行了研究, 比较分析了不同锂枝晶半径、数量和中心距情况下电池的热响应特征。 结果表明锂枝晶导致的电池内短路产热来源主要是正负极可逆和不可逆热。 短路电流、产热功率和电池最高温度等都随锂枝晶半径的增大而增大。 锂枝晶中心距增大时,短路电流和产热功率也随之变大, 但由于受到电解液锂离子浓度的影响二者增加的幅度越来越小。 锂枝晶中心距越大时虽然电池总产热量越大, 电池平均温度更高, 但由于此时短路点分布较分散, 电池最高温度却较反而较小。
      Internal short circuit is one of the main causes of thermal runaway of lithium ion battery. Mechanical impact, edge burrs of current collectors, and growth of lithium dendrite are three potential causes of separator piercing and internal short circuit of lithium ion battery. In this paper, the internal short circuit of lithium ion battery caused by lithium dendrite was studied through finite element numerical simulation. The electro-thermal responses of the battery under different parameter values of lithium dendrite radius, lithium dendrite number, and center-to-center distance between lithium dendrite were analyzed. It was found that the reversible and irreversible heat generated inside active electrodes accounts for the majority of the total heat generation during the internal short circuit process caused by lithium dendrite. It was also found that the short circuit current, total heat generation rate, and the maximum battery temperature are all in positive correlation with the lithium dendrite radius. When the center-to-center distance between lithium dendrites increases, the short circuit current also increases but with a decreasing rate, which is constrained by the lithium ion concentration in the electrolyte. In addition, although the total heat production and average temperature of the battery are greater with a higher center-to-center distance between lithium dendrites, the maximum temperature of the system follows the reverse pattern due to the fact that the short spots are more geographically dispersed.