鲁浈浈,何杨,李林杰.混凝土高温爆裂性能影响因素及预防措施综述[J].火灾科学,2019,28(2):128-134. |
混凝土高温爆裂性能影响因素及预防措施综述 |
Summary of factors influencing high temperature bursting performance of concrete and the preventive measures |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.2019.02.08 |
基金项目:重庆市研究生教育创新基金(CYS18215); 中国博士后科学基金(2015M580775) |
中文关键词: 高温爆裂 蒸汽压力 升温速率 混杂纤维 防火涂料 |
英文关键词:Burst at high temperature Vapor pressure heating rate Hybrid fiber Fire retardant coating |
摘要点击次数: 372 |
全文下载次数: 3823 |
中文摘要: |
对混凝土高温爆裂成因进行总结, 综述高温下混凝土内部蒸汽压力的测试手段、降低混凝土内部蒸汽压力方法、提高混凝土在高温中的抗高温爆裂性能的方法, 以及总结了升温速率对混凝土高温爆裂的影响, 并提出了几种预防混凝土高温爆裂的措施, 为混凝土高温爆裂研究提供依据。 |
英文摘要: |
The origin of high temperature bursting in concrete is summarized in this paper. Also, the testing methods of for investigating the internal steam pressure at high temperature, how to reduce the internal steam pressure in concrete, and the approaches to improve the burst resistance of concrete at high temperature are reviewed. Three measures are proposed to prevent the high temperature bursting of concrete which will be beneficial to the high temperature bursting study of concrete. |
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