Factor analysis-based evaluation of gases toxicity of cable and wire samples
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基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2015BAK37B02); 公安部技术研究计划项目(2016JSYJC55)
胡定煜 中国人民武装警察部队学院消防指挥系, 廊坊,065000 
杨玉胜 中国人民武装警察部队学院消防指挥系, 廊坊,065000 
杨戍 中国人民武装警察部队学院消防指挥系, 廊坊,065000 
曾建鹏 浙江省消防总队, 杭州,310014 
刘志浩 山东省消防总队, 济南,250000 
中文关键词:  电缆  毒性评估  因子分析
英文关键词:Cable  Toxicity evaluation  Factor analysis
摘要点击次数: 107
全文下载次数: 590
      火灾条件下电缆燃烧烟气的毒性分析对于电缆火灾安全研究非常重要。 为了研究典型电缆燃烧烟气的组分及毒性大小定量, 通过搭建试验装置并进行实验研究。 对采集的实验数据采用FED模型进行了烟气的毒性评价,并进一步采用因子分析法对组分烟气数据进行分析。 分析结果表明, 基于因子分析法的烟气毒性评价方法与FED模型分析结果趋于一致, 但此方法可以揭示出更多有用信息用以指导电缆火灾危险性评价。 研究为电缆燃烧烟气的毒性效应评价提出了一种新的思路。
      The analysis of smoke toxicity of cable in fire is very important for the evaluation of cable fire safety. In order to study the composition and toxicity of smoke, testing devices were set up and experiments were conducted with sample wire and cables. FED model was used to assess the toxicity of smoke. Further factor analysis was employed to analyze component gas data. Analysis results demonstrated that factor analysis-based toxicity assessment method tended to be consistent with FED results, but with more useful information that could be used for cable fire safety evaluation. The method proposed in this paper makes a reasonable improvement for the evaluation of smoke toxicity of cable.