Study on stability of three phase foam of micron hollow glass beads
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周日峰 中国石化青岛安全工程研究院化学品安全控制国家重点实验室, 青岛,266000 
郎需庆 中国石化青岛安全工程研究院化学品安全控制国家重点实验室, 青岛,266000 
吴京峰 中国石化青岛安全工程研究院化学品安全控制国家重点实验室, 青岛,266000 
牟小冬 中国石化青岛安全工程研究院化学品安全控制国家重点实验室, 青岛,266000 
姜春明 中国石化青岛安全工程研究院化学品安全控制国家重点实验室, 青岛,266000 
中文关键词:  三相泡沫  颗粒  水成膜泡沫灭火剂  发泡倍数  析液时间
英文关键词:Three phase foam  Particle  Aquous film forming foam (AFFF)  Foam expansion ratio  Foam drainage time
摘要点击次数: 170
全文下载次数: 917
      基于水成膜泡沫灭火剂(AFFF), 用微米级空心微珠颗粒作为泡沫稳定剂, 制成三相泡沫, 并研究了泡沫组成因素对发泡能力和泡沫稳定性的影响。采用控制变量法, 研究了颗粒浓度、颗粒粒径、AFFF原液浓度对发泡倍数和析液时间的影响。 颗粒加入对发泡能力有抑制作用; 因为颗粒存在影响, 三相泡沫的发泡能力随AFFF原液浓度增大而减小;40 μm粒径颗粒的抑制作用相对20 μm和60 μm颗粒最小。 颗粒浓度和AFFF原液浓度增加, 能够提升三相泡沫稳定性, 且泡沫析液时间随颗粒浓度增加呈指数规律变化。 当AFFF原液浓度为3.0%、颗粒浓度为9%左右时, 三相泡沫稳定时间约为两相泡沫的3 倍, 该配方三相泡沫有较好的稳定性。
      In this paper, a three phase foam composed by Aquous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) agent is developed, with micron hollow glass beads as the foam stabilizer. The effects of particle concentration, particle size and concentration of AFFF agent on foam expansion ratio and drainage time are studied by the control variable method. It is found that the micron glass particles in foam has an inhibitory effect on the foaming ability of three phase foam, and the foaming ability decreases with the increase of AFFF agent concentration. The inhibitory effect of particles in 40 μm is less than that of particles in 20 μm and 60 μm. The foam stability increases with the increase of particle concentration and AFFF agent concentration, and changes in exponential law is found with particle concentration. When the AFFF agent concentration is 3% and the particle concentration is about 9%, the foam drainage time of three phase foam is about 3 times that of the gas-liquid two phase foam. Therefore, the three phase foam with this composition formula has good stability for oil fire extinguishing.