Numerical simulation study on natural smoke exhaust efficiency of arc-shaped facade airport terminal under the influence of surrounding wind
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赵鹏程 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
姚斌 中国科技大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
中文关键词:  弧形立面机场航站楼  自然排烟  环境风  控制模式  危险到达时间
英文关键词:Arc-shaped facade airport terminal  Natural smoke exhaust  Surrounding wind  Control modes  Hazard occurrence time
摘要点击次数: 113
全文下载次数: 300
      机场航站楼公共区域多采用自然排烟方式,而环境风和排烟窗控制模式会影响排烟效果,尤其在弧形立面航站楼中影响效果显著。以某弧形立面航站楼为研究对象,选取候机指廊弧形区域的自然排烟窗分3段控制启闭,进而确定6种控制模式,采用 FDS火灾动力学模拟软件研究了不同模式下的排烟效果,获得了环境风和发烟量对危险到达时间的影响规律, 提出了排烟窗控制模式流程。结果表明:对于弧形立面航站楼而言,排烟窗分段控制模式下的排烟效果优于不分段控制模式,可以有效降低环境风对自然排烟的影响。当环境风速超过10 m/s时,须关闭迎风向排烟窗,避免烟气倒灌。在法向环境风作用的不利条件下,当发烟量在0. 05~0. 20之间时,危险到达时间的最大值tmax与发烟量x满足一次函数关系式:tmax=-3018x+1030.5。
      The natural smoke exhaust is used in the public area of the airport terminal, for which the surrounding wind and control modes of smoke exhaust windows may affect the smoke exhaust efficiency, especially in the arc-shaped facade terminal. In this paper, we take an arc-shaped facade airport terminal as the research object, for which the smoke exhaust windows in the arc-shaped area of the waiting corridor are divided into three sections to control the opening and closing, then six control modes are determined. The FDS software is used to study the smoke extraction efficiency under different modes, the influence of surrounding wind and smoke density on the hazard occurrence time is analyzed, and the control strategy of the smoke exhaust windows is proposed. The results show that the smoke exhaust efficiency of the segmented control mode is better than the non-segmented control mode, which can effectively reduce the influence of the surrounding wind. When the wind speed exceeds 10 m/s, the windward side windows should be closed to avoid the smoke backflow. When the smoke density is between 0.05~0.20, the function -3018+1030.5 is applied for the maximum hazard occurrence time and the smoke density .