Characteristics of heat conduction induced combustion of typical mixed oils in a wind turbine nacelle
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张瑜 南京工业大学安全科学与工程学院江苏省城市工业与安全重点实验室,南京,210009
尤飞 南京工业大学安全科学与工程学院江苏省城市工业与安全重点实验室,南京,210009
许志亮 南京工业大学安全科学与工程学院江苏省城市工业与安全重点实验室,南京,210009
孙巍 南京工业大学安全科学与工程学院江苏省城市工业与安全重点实验室,南京,210009
皇甫文豪 南京工业大学安全科学与工程学院江苏省城市工业与安全重点实验室,南京,210009
中文关键词:  风电机舱  双馈异步风力发电机组  液压油  齿轮箱油  热诱导燃烧特性  着火时间  火焰温度  质量损失速率
英文关键词:Wind turbine nacelle  Doubly-Fed induction generator  Hydraulic oil  Gear box oil  Thermally induced combustion characteristics  Ignition time  Flame temperature  Mass loss rate
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      为探究不同尺寸方形油盘对双馈异步风力发电机组机舱中典型混合油品燃烧特性的影响,自主设计和搭建了热平板诱导油品加热燃烧测定实验系统。将液压油(CALTEXRANDO HDZ32)和齿轮箱油(CALTEXMEROPA320)按1∶1质量(各40.0g)比例均匀混合后,盛装于横截面尺寸分别为6.5cm×6.5cm、10.0cm×10.0cm、13.5cm×13.5cm 的钢制油盘中,利用热平板加热和诱导盘内同样质量混合油品燃烧,利用摄像机记录其燃烧行为和阶段节点时间,利用热电偶树、温度采集模块对油品燃烧对应阶段节点液内和上方火焰中心轴温度分布进行测定。观察发现,液/齿混合油品在加热后出现液内流动、蒸发、冒泡、气化、燃烧、发烟、火焰蹿高等典型传热传质和液相燃烧现象。实验结果表明,随油盘横截面尺寸递增,混合油品着火时间依次缩短(最高1048.0s),燃烧持续时间依次递减(最高1980.0s),燃烧液内最高温度依次升高(最高564.3 ℃),中心轴第一层火焰熄灭温度依次升高(最高489.2 ℃)。小尺寸油盘内油品交流换热过程缓慢,质量损失速率较低,着火前阶段出现最大质量损失速率(0.041g/s);中大尺寸油盘内对流、传质和传热过程明显增强,质量损失速率较高,火焰蹿高节点时出现最大质量损失速率(0.25g/s和0.29g/s)
      This paper aimes to explore the combustion characteristics of typical mixed oils in the nacelle of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) typed wind turbines with different sizes of square oil pans. An experimental system was independently designed for determination of burning properties of oil pools induced by hot plates. The hydraulic oil (CALTEX RANDO HDZ32) and the gearbox oil (CALTEXMERPO 320) were uniformly mixed at a ratio of 1:1 mass (40.0 g each), and the cross-sectional dimensions of oil pans made of steel were 6.5 cm×6.5 cm, 10.0 cm×10.0 cm, 13.5 cm×13.5 cm, respectively. An electrical hot plate was used to heat and ignite the mixed oils in the pan, and a CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistor) typed camera was used to record process combustion behaviors and stage temporal nodes. Thermocouple trees and data acquisition module were applied to measure temperature distributions below oil surfaces and along center axis of above produced flames at corresponding burning stages. The mixed oils were observed to exhibit typical heat and mass transfer phenomena such as flowing, evaporating, bubbling, gasifying, burning, fuming, and flame rushing when exposed to continuous heating. Results showed that as cross-sectional sizes of oil pans increased, the ignition times of mixed oils decreased successively from a highest value of 1 048.0 s, so did the combustion duration values from maximum 1 980.0 s, while the interior temperatures below oil surfaces increased sequentially to a peak value of 564.3 ℃, also the extinction temperatures of flame along central axis and on the first layer rose up to a maximum of 489.2 ℃. The oils in large and medium size oil pans burnt more quickly and violently, while for small pan the oil burnt lastingly and stably. Generally, the mixed oil in small pan showed a relatively slow mass exchange and heat transfer and low mass loss rate (MLR) in burning process, in which the maximum MLR of 0.041 g/s occurred before ignition; for medium and large pans, mixed oils inside burnt with reinforced convection, mass and heat transfer, their MLRs were enhanced and reached as high as 0.25 g/s and 0.29 g/s at the node of flame rushing.