Design of intelligent fire prevention and control system for locomotive and rolling stock based on BP neural network
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基金项目:中国中车股份有限公司重大专项(2019CKZ205); 大连市重点科技研发项目(2020YF18GX006)
陈广泰 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,大连,116021 
王佳文 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,大连,116021 
李争 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,大连,116021 
王晓鸣 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,大连,116021 
黄飞 中车大连机车研究所有限公司,大连,116021 
王青松 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室合肥230026 
中文关键词:  机车车辆  火灾防控系统  分布式模块化  BP人工神经网络  智能化
英文关键词:Locomotive and rolling stock  Fire prevention and control system  Distributed modular  BP artificial neural network  Intelligent
摘要点击次数: 162
全文下载次数: 837
      A distributed modular intelligent fire prevention and control system for locomotive and rolling stock is designed, which is composed of a main processor, multiple on-board field processors, multiple sensors, and multiple actuators. Each control unit can be flexibly configured according to various types of locomotive and rolling stock. The on-board main processor realizes intelligent identification of fire through BP artificial neural network algorithm, which can adjust relevant parameters in fire judgment according to environmental factors. It has strong applicability, effectively improves the accuracy of fire prevention and control, and thus better guarantees the running safety of locomotive and rolling stock.