苏洁,牛奕.典型木材燃料层流扩散火焰碳黑生成特性研究[J].火灾科学,2022,31(1):1-7. |
典型木材燃料层流扩散火焰碳黑生成特性研究 |
Study of soot formation characteristics of typical wood laminar diffusion flames |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.2022.01.01 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(52074202);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2021IVA204) |
中文关键词: 消光法 木材 层流扩散火焰 碳黑浓度 |
英文关键词:Light extinction Wood fuel Laminar diffusion flame Soot concentration |
摘要点击次数: 165 |
全文下载次数: 1215 |
中文摘要: |
为了对木材燃料层流扩散火焰碳黑生成特性进行研究,搭建了基于消光法原理的轴对称层流火焰碳黑浓度测量平台, 选用马尾松针、柚木以及红橡木三种典型木材燃料粉碎成针状试样,并堆成直径3.5 cm堆垛,利用酒精引燃后可获得稳定的层流扩散火焰,同时通过电热丝辅助加热延长稳定燃烧。通过对三种典型木材燃料层流燃烧过程的质量损失和火焰碳黑浓度的测量和对比分析,结果显示三种燃料中马尾松针碳黑生成能力最大,这说明木材的碳黑生成能力可能与其碳元素和氧元素的含量有关。 |
英文摘要: |
An axisymmetric laminar flame soot concentration measurement platform based on the principle of extinction method was built to study the soot formation characteristics of wood fuel laminar diffusion flame. Three typical wood fuels, pine needle, teak and red oak, were selected and crushed into needle-like samples, which were stacked in a pile with a diameter of 3.5 cm. After being ignited with alcohol, a stable laminar diffusion flame could be formed by the fuel stack. At the same time, stable combustion duration could be extended by assisted heating of the electric heating wire. Through the measurement and comparative analysis of the mass loss rate and soot concentration of three typical wood laminar fires, the results show that the pine needle has the largest sooting propensity among the three fuels, and the sooting tendency of woods seems to be related to carbon and oxygen content of the fuel. |
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