Research on fire protection of functional components for rail transit vehicles
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于全蕾* 中车青岛四方车辆研究所有限公司,青岛,266031 
倪延强 中车青岛四方车辆研究所有限公司,青岛,266031 
栾俊 中车青岛四方车辆研究所有限公司,青岛,266031 
李旭光 中车青岛四方车辆研究所有限公司,青岛,266031 
赵震 中车青岛四方车辆研究所有限公司,青岛,266031 
中文关键词:  轨道交通车辆  功能性部件  烟密度  热释放速率
英文关键词:Rail transit vehicles  Functional components  Smoke optical density  Heat release rate
摘要点击次数: 140
全文下载次数: 1067
      The materials used for the pucker vestibule diaphragm, the exterior vestibule diaphragm and the air spring diaphragm of rail transit vehicles are selected for smoke toxicity and heat release rate tests, in accordance with the latest industry general standard EN 45545-2: 2020. The test results show that, except for the smoke toxicity index (CITG), the smoke density (Ds) and the maximum average heat release rate (MARHE) of the typical functional rubber components currently in use cannot meet the HL2 requirements of EN 45545-2: 2020. Therefore, manufacturers should try their best to improve the fire performance of the products under the premise of meeting the functionality of the component; at the same time, to ensure the functionality of the components, the standard setter should also appropriately relax the fire retardant requirements of the materials when formulating index requirements.