Experimental study of inhibition of hydrocarbon volatilization by liquid aerosol in confined space
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周日峰* 中石化安全工程研究院有限公司,青岛,266000
程庆利 中石化安全工程研究院有限公司,青岛,266000
杨珂 中石化安全工程研究院有限公司,青岛,266000
贾光 中石化安全工程研究院有限公司,青岛,266000
中文关键词:  受限空间  抑爆  液体气溶胶  超细雾化  液封
英文关键词:Confined space  Explosion-proof  Liquid aerosol  Ultrafine atomization  Liquid seal
摘要点击次数: 1248
全文下载次数: 274
      When working in a confined space containing residual oil, combustion and explosion accidents are easy to occur. In this work, an explosison-proof solution with low surface tension was prepared using components of amphoteric fluorocarbon surfactant. The explosion-proof solution can spread freely on the surface of volatile hydrocarbon liquid to form a film, forming a liquid seal for volatilization inhibiting the hydrocarbon liquid. By the ultrafine atomization device, the explosion-proof solution can be atomized to form a liquid aerosol, which can be transported to the confined space by the pneumatic conveying method. It is verified by experiments that the droplets in the liquid aerosol could deposit on the oil surface to form a liquid seal to inhibit oil volatilization. Meanwhile, the gas-liquid interface of the droplets or film can absorb oil gas molecules in the confined space, reducing the concentration of oil gas in the confined space. Research shows that the oil gas concentration in the confined space containing residual oil can be maintained below 10%LEL (Lower Explosion Limit) for a long time, when the oil gas in the confined space containing residual oil is replaced by the mixture of the liquid aerosol. The explosion-proof solution can help to achieve the purpose of explosion-proof in the confined space containing residual oil.