徐志豪,朱振宇,靖子洋,吴淑群.1 kV 配电电缆的电弧引燃过程研究[J].火灾科学,2023,32(3):135-143.
1 kV 配电电缆的电弧引燃过程研究
Study on 1 kV distribution cable fire ignited by arc discharge
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徐志豪 南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,211106 
朱振宇 南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,211106 
靖子洋 南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,211106 
吴淑群 南京航空航天大学自动化学院,南京,211106 
中文关键词:  高压放电  电力电缆  电缆火灾  火焰蔓延  电弧引燃  火灾模拟
英文关键词:High voltage discharge  Power cable  Cable fire  Flame spread  Arc ignition  Fire simulation
摘要点击次数: 219
全文下载次数: 813
      电弧引燃电缆是造成电缆火灾的重要因素,威胁电力设备的安全运行与电力可靠供应。为了探索配电电缆的电弧引燃机理,构建了电弧引燃1 kV配电电缆实验平台,结合火灾动力学仿真,初步研究了电弧引燃电缆过程中的点燃、火焰蔓延及温度场分布,进一步探索了电弧火源功率对电弧引燃电缆过程的影响。结果发现功率为300 W的电弧火源能够在10 s内引燃1 kV聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆,电缆引燃后最高温度达900 ℃。随着电弧火源功率增大,电弧引燃电缆时间显著减小,并进一步获得了引燃该电力电缆所需的临界电弧功率。运用FDS仿真电弧引燃电缆过程,实验与仿真结果基本一致:当电弧功率从21.93 W减小到7.15 W时,实验点火时间从19 s增加到57 s,仿真点火时间从15.3 s增加到55.9 s;当电弧功率低于7.15 W时,实验和仿真电缆均无法引燃。
      Arc ignition of cables is an important factor causing cable fires, threatening the safe operation of power equipment and reliable power supply. In order to explore the arc ignition mechanism of power distribution cables, this paper constructs an experimental platform for arc ignition of 1 kV distribution cables. By the combination of experiments and fire dynamics simulation, the ignition, flame spread and temperature distribution of electric arc induced cable ignition are preliminarily studied. The influence of arc fire source power on the ignition process is further explored. It is found that an arc fire source with a power of 300 W can ignite a 1 kV PVC sheathed power cable within 10 s, and the maximum temperature after the cable ignites reaches 900 ℃. As the power of the arc fire source increases, the arc ignition time for the cable is significantly reduced. The critical arc power required to ignite the power cable is further obtained. The experimental data agree well with the simulation results using FDS. When the arc power is reduced from 21.93 W to 7.15 W, the experimental ignition time increases from 19 s to 57 s, and the simulation ignition time increases from 15.3 s to 55.9 s. When the arc power is lower than 7.15 W, the experimental and simulated cables cannot be ignited.