Numerical modeling study on supersonic jet flame after aero-engine combustor burn-through
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李松阳 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,上海,200241 
王勇强 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,上海,200241 
颜斯倩 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,上海,200241 
崔振涛 中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司,上海,200241 
陈龙 中国民航局第二研究所,成都,610041 
中文关键词:  发动机防火  燃烧室机匣烧穿  超音速射流火焰特征  数值模拟
英文关键词:Aero-engine fire protection  Combustor burn-through  Supersonic jet flame characteristic  Numerical modeling
摘要点击次数: 161
全文下载次数: 560
      According to airworthiness standard CCAR33.17 (a) and CCAR25.903 (d) (1), the fire protection design of civil areo-engine combustor must be carefully considered so as to minimize the hazards to the airplane after the accident of combustor case burn-through. Therefore, in the process of engine fire protection design, the failure modes and hazards of combustor case burn-through should be fully evaluated. Based on the high pressure in the combustor and the geometry of the burn-through hole, it can be expected that the resulting jet will be an under-expanded sonic or supersonic jet. A thorough understanding of the phenomenology and processes involved in high-speed jet is essential for the proper fire protection design. In this paper, the characteristics and severity of a jet engine burn-through flame with different pressure ratios and different hole sizes were calculated by CFD modeling. Based on the modeling results, the temperature and velocity of the flame were compared with FAA combustor burn through experiments and theoretical model, which were impacted by hole size and pressure ratio. As a result, the simulation reproduced the main physical processes of burn-through flame, and a good agreement on flame Mach number and temperature was obtained. The CFD modeling method adopted in this paper is applicable in fire protection design and helpful for safety analysis of compliance demonstration for airworthiness regulation.