Study on fire smoke asymmetry ratio of lithium-ion battery electrolyte under low pressure environment
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杨泽伟 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
周勇* 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
程旭东 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
全珈兴 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
中文关键词:  低压环境  电解液火灾烟雾  消光率  不对称比
英文关键词:Low-pressure environment  Electrolyte fire smoke  Extinction rate  Asymmetry ratio
摘要点击次数: 419
全文下载次数: 536
      基于变压变氧浓度试验舱和气溶胶散射实验装置,探究了不同压力环境下电解液火灾烟雾不对称比的差异性,为飞机货舱电解液火灾烟雾与干扰气溶胶区分方法提供理论指导和数据支持。结果表明:环境压力会对电解液火灾烟雾浓度产生影响,随着压力的降低,电解液火灾烟雾浓度(即消光率)减小;对于电解液火灾烟雾的不对称比,随着压力的降低,不对称比先增大再减小,但是在405 nm波长下,电解液火灾烟雾的不对称比始终保持在9~12之间,而干扰气溶胶的不对称比保持在3~6之间,二者之间差异性很大。基于此,提出了当不对称比值大于7时,是电解液火灾烟雾,小于7时,是干扰气溶胶的区分方法。
      This paper investigates the difference of electrolyte fire smoke asymmetry ratio under different pressure environments to provide theoretical guidance and data support for the method of distinguishing electrolyte fire smoke from interference aerosols in aircraft cargo compartments. A variable pressure and oxygen concentration test chamber and an aerosol scattering experimental device were used. The results show that the ambient pressure affects the concentration of electrolyte fire smoke, and the concentration of electrolyte fire smoke (i.e., extinction rate) decreases as the pressure decreases; for the asymmetry ratio of electrolyte fire smoke, the asymmetry ratio increases and then decreases as the pressure decreases, however, at 405 nm, the asymmetry ratio of electrolyte fire smoke always remains between 9 and 12. In contrast, the asymmetry ratio of interference aerosol remains between 3 and 6, and the difference between the two was significant. Based on this, a method is proposed to distinguish electrolyte fire smoke when the asymmetry ratio is greater than 7 and interference aerosol when it is less than 7.