Study on smoke spread in a large space with one side opening under ambient wind
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戴程呈 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
李元洲* 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
单晓玉 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
中文关键词:  舱室火灾  单侧开口  环境风  顶棚温度
英文关键词:Cabin fire  Single side opening  Ambient wind  Ceiling temperature
摘要点击次数: 229
全文下载次数: 741
      船舶是海上运输的重要工具,火灾事故频发。与陆地建筑不同,海上时常伴有环境风,研究环境风对舱室火灾发展过程的影响具有重要意义。以某船舱为原型,利用FDS模拟,建立了1∶4小尺度单侧开口大空间模型,研究了7种不同环境风速作用下舱室内温度变化规律。结果表明,外界存在环境风时,火焰会向开口方向倾斜,风速越大,倾斜角度越大,火源中心线温度、顶棚温度随着风速的增加而降低。而当风速超过3.00 m/s时,风速变化对于温度变化影响逐渐减小,正向环境风对于顶棚纵向温度影响更加明显。对顶棚纵向温度进行无量纲处理,得到了顶棚温度的衰减规律及顶棚下最高温度与弗劳德数的无量纲关系式。
      Ships are important tools for maritime transportation, and fire accidents are frequent. Unlike land buildings, the sea is often accompanied by ambient winds, and it is important to study the influence of ambient winds on the development process of cabin fires. In this paper, a ship's cabin is used as a prototype, and a 1:4 small-scale single-sided opening large space model is established, using FDS simulation to study the temperature change law in the cabin under the effect of seven different ambient wind speeds. The results show that the flame will tilt toward the opening when the external ambient wind exists. The larger the wind speed, the larger the tilt angle, the centerline temperature of the fire source and the ceiling temperature decrease with the increase of wind speed. When the wind speed exceeds 3 m/s, the effect of wind speed change on temperature change gradually decreases, and the positive ambient wind has a more obvious effect on the longitudinal temperature of the ceiling. The dimensionless treatment of the longitudinal temperature of the ceiling is carried out to obtain the decay law of temperature. The relationship between the maximum temperature under the ceiling and the Froude number is obtained.