胡晓峰,邓阳,何鹏,蔡玉飞.民用航空发动机灭火剂喷射粒径特性试验研究[J].火灾科学,2023,32(4):259-266. |
民用航空发动机灭火剂喷射粒径特性试验研究 |
Experimental study on the characteristic of jet particle diameter for the fire extinguishing agent using in civil aircraft engine |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.2023.04.07 |
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中文关键词: 灭火剂粒径 HFC-125 Halon1301 试验测量 |
英文关键词:Particle diameter of fire extinguishing agent HFC-125 Halon 1301 Measurement by experiments |
摘要点击次数: 246 |
全文下载次数: 457 |
中文摘要: |
基于激光粒度测量和粒子图像测速技术对民用航空发动机所用灭火剂在管路出口的粒径特征进行试验研究,选取HFC-125和Halon1301两种灭火剂进行试验,分析灭火剂喷射过程的图像,并探讨了不同出口管径、出口压力以及温度对灭火剂粒径的影响规律。结果表明,灭火剂液滴会首先在扩散角边沿发生汽化现象,随后逐渐转变为气态,除喷嘴中心位置附近的液滴速度较大外,其他区域处的液滴速度分布较为均匀。进一步分析粒径的影响因素发现,随出口管径的增加,HFC-125灭火剂粒径在151 μm~171 μm之间变化;随出口压力的增加,HFC-125灭火剂在0.6 MPa~0.8 MPa时,粒径会出现较大的峰值,而Halon1301粒径的变化则较小;随着出口温度的增加,灭火剂粒径会显著减小,HFC-125和Halon1301灭火剂粒径随温度升高的变化趋势基本一致。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on laser particle measurement and particle image velocimetry technology, an experimental study on the charac-teristics of jet particle diameter for the fire extinguishing agent used in civil aircraft engines is presented. Two types of fire extinguishing agents, HFC-125 and Halon 1301, are considered. The jet process of the agent is analyzed based on the image technology. The effects of different pipe diameters, pressures, and temperatures at pipe exits on the agent particle diameter are studied. The results show that the vaporization of the fire extinguishing agent occurs first at the edge area of the diffusion angle, and then these droplets of agent will be changed to gas. The velocity distribution of droplets is fairly uniform at the exit area, except for the area around the center of the pipe. Further analysis of the effects on the particle diameter found that with the increase of pipe diameter, the particle diameter of HFC-125 changed in the range of 151 μm~171 μm. With the rise of the pressure at the exit, for HFC-125, the peak value of particle diameter will occur between 0.6 MPa and 0.8 MPa, while for Halon1301, the change can be negligible. In addition, a drop of particle diam-eter value is found when the temperature increases. The changing trend of particle diameter with temperature for HFC-125 is almost identical to that for Halon1301. |
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