Fire safety polyimide composite coating for oil and gas pipeline protection
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邱水来 中国石油大学(北京)安全与海洋工程学院, 北京,102249 
李云涛 中国石油大学(北京)安全与海洋工程学院, 北京,102249 
宋磊* 中国科学技术大学火灾科学国家重点实验室,合肥,230026 
张来斌 中国石油大学(北京)安全与海洋工程学院, 北京,102249 
中文关键词:  聚酰亚胺  聚磷腈  氮化硼  安全防护  复合涂层
英文关键词:Polyimide  Polyphosphazene  Boron nitride  Safety protection  Composite coating
摘要点击次数: 1288
全文下载次数: 404
      研究了一种可用于油气管道防护的聚酰亚胺基防护涂层,在合成聚酰亚胺涂层的基础上,通过引入聚磷腈功能化氮化硼来增强涂层的力学强度、热稳定性、耐磨性以及防火性能。实验结果表明:引入功能填料的聚酰亚胺防护涂层的拉伸强度高达114.9 MPa,其初始分解温度超过500 ℃,残炭产率高达65 wt%,相比于固有涂层,复合涂层的热释放速率峰值大幅降低,摩擦表征测试证实了涂层表面的耐磨损性明显提升。该综合性能优异的多功能聚酰亚胺复合涂层可应用在油气管道安全防护工程领域。
      A polyimide-based protective coating for oil and gas pipeline protection was studied. Based on the synthetic polyimide coating, the mechanical strength, thermal stability, wear resistance and fire resistance of the coating were enhanced by introducing polyphosphazene functionalized boron nitride. The experimental results show that the tensile strength of the polyimide protective coating with the introduction of functional fillers is as high as 114.9 MPa, the initial decomposition temperature is over 500 ℃, and the carbon residue yield is as high as 65 wt%. Compared with the natural coating, the peak heat release rate of the composite coating is greatly reduced. The friction characterization test also confirmed that the wear resistance of the coating surface was significantly improved. The multifunctional polyimide composite coating with excellent comprehensive properties can be widely used in oil and gas pipeline safety protection engineering.