Study on the influence of oil fume on methane alarm response characteristics in catalytic combustion
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焦伟豪 1.安徽理工大学安全科学与工程学院,淮南,232001 
聂士斌* 2.安徽理工大学公共安全与应急管理学院,合肥,231131 
张红 1.安徽理工大学安全科学与工程学院,淮南,232001 
徐良骥 3.合肥综合性国家科学中心能源研究院(安徽省能源实验室),合肥,230000 
刘小勇 4.清华大学合肥公共安全研究院,合肥,230601 
中文关键词:  油烟  甲烷报警器  报警滞后
英文关键词:Lampblack  Methane alarm  Alarm lag
摘要点击次数: 1398
全文下载次数: 426
      甲烷报警器精准探测可以预防甲烷气体泄漏造成的火灾爆炸事故,然而油烟等恶劣环境对其报警效果会产生一定影响。针对上述问题,研究讨论了油烟对催化燃烧式甲烷报警器的响应特性如量程指示偏差、报警动作值以及报警重复性的影响,并对影响规律进行了分析。结果表明:相比于无油烟环境,有油烟环境会使量程指示偏差变大,当箱体甲烷浓度为12%LEL时,油烟浓度为7.30 mg/m3时甲烷报警器的量程指示偏差增加了4.95%;相对于无油烟环境,油烟环境会使报警动作值变大,油烟浓度为7.30 mg/m3时的报警动作值相比于无油烟时增长了4.01%;另外,同时还研究了油烟和温度耦合环境对甲烷报警器响应特性的影响,结果发现随着环境温度的升高,量程指示偏差和报警动作值均增大。研究为进一步解决油烟对甲烷气体报警器影响提供实验依据,有利于提高甲烷气体泄漏的精准探测从而预防火灾爆炸事故的发生,保障城市生命线安全。
      The accurate detection of methane alarms can prevent fire and explosion accidents caused by methane gas leakage, but a harsh environment like lampblack will have an impact on its alarm effect. Given the above problems, the influence of oil fume on the response characteristics of catalytic combustion methane alarm, such as range indication deviation, alarm threshold, and alarm repeatability, is analyzed. The results show that, compared with the environment without oil fume, the range indication deviation will be larger in the smoky environment. When the tank methane concentration is 12%LEL, the range indication deviation of the methane alarm is increased by 4.95% when the oil fume concentration is 7.30 mg/m3. In addition, compared with the environment without oil smoke, the alarm threshold will increase in the environment without oil fume. When the oil fume concentration is 7.30 mg/m3, the alarm threshold increases by 4.01% compared with that without oil fume. At the same time, the influence of fume and temperature coupling environment on the response characteristics of methane alarm is also studied, and it is found that with the increase of environmental temperature, the range indication deviation and the alarm threshold both increase. This study provides an experimental basis for further solving the impact of lampblack on methane gas alarm, which is conducive to improving the accurate detection of methane gas leakage so as to prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion accidents and ensure the safety of urban lifeline.