王开强,文康,刘卫军,刘志茂.高海拔密闭增压建筑火灾中的人员疏散模拟研究[J].火灾科学,2024,33(3):178-184. |
高海拔密闭增压建筑火灾中的人员疏散模拟研究 |
Simulation study on pedestrian evacuation during fire in high-altitude sealed buildings |
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DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1004-5309.2024.03.06 |
基金项目: |
中文关键词: 火灾模拟 人员疏散 高海拔增压建筑 |
英文关键词:Fire simulation Evacuation analysis High-altitude sealed building |
摘要点击次数: 1388 |
全文下载次数: 152 |
中文摘要: |
为探究高海拔密闭增压式建筑发生火灾时的人员安全疏散问题,以某密闭增压建筑为研究对象,应用特殊消防设计方法,综合考虑建筑的泄压时间、疏散模式,研究了过渡舱和辅助疏散出口的设置对火灾环境下人员安全疏散的影响,提出了高海拔密闭增压式建筑的安全出口的设计要求。结果表明:对于建筑面积在200 m2~500 m2高海拔密闭增压建筑,单体的紧急泄压时间不应大于60 s,为了保证火灾条件下的人员疏散安全,应至少设置2个门宽不小于1.0 m的过渡舱作为疏散出口;无法满足时,可以在主要疏散路径上增设至少一个可直通室外的紧急逃生门或逃生窗作为辅助疏散出口。研究结果可以给高海拔增压建筑的安全设计提供重要依据。 |
英文摘要: |
This study investigates the impact of transition compartments and auxiliary evacuation exits on fire evacuation in high-altitude airtight pressurized buildings, considering the building's pressure relief time and evacuation mode. The design requirements for safety exits in high-altitude enclosed pressurized buildings are proposed. The results indicate that for high-altitude sealed buildings with an area of 200-500 square meters, the emergency pressure relief time should not exceed 60 seconds. To ensure evacuation safety under fire conditions, at least two transition cabins with a door width of no less than 1.0 m should be set up as evacuation exits. In cases where this requirement cannot be met, at least one additional emergency escape door or window directly connecting to the outside should be added along the main evacuation route as auxiliary evacuation exits. These research results provide crucial insights for enhancing safety design in high-altitude sealed buildings. |
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